Through my time as a photographer so many of my clients are not only clients but or now my friends. I love meeting new people and inviting them into my life, seeing and capturing those important memories and moments in their life!
Please remember to always support local businesses and remember photography is a business,
I don't work another job I put all my passion and focus into my photography and my family.
Ways to help and support!
1. You don't have to spend money to help or support a photographer - go to their FB and be sure to follow (see first) Share their post on your page especially if their is a special or sale. Interaction is the key! Comment and like their post - wows and loves helps the most. (with FB new changes so many things are not getting seen on feeds) - When you do this, it shows that you’re interested and in turn, Facebook will show our work to you more often. It will also show it to your friends, which can lead to inquiries, which will help our business!
Be sure when you post one of your finished edited photos that you put the business website in the description so that it helps their SEO.
2. Follow their social media accounts (I do follow back) Here are mine
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TaylorAlexanderPhotography/
3. Hire us. When you need photography services please think of us. In my case I do pretty much everything from birth, weddings, seniors, portraits, head-shots, fashion, boudoir, corporate, events, specialized creative sessions, and book covers (so if you need it photographed good chance I probably do it)
4. Referrals - Word of mouth helps us so much!
5. Social Media - Please give photo credits on social media. It helps get the word out just like a referral and helps our work get seen. Proper hashtags and websites help with this! (Location)
#tayloralexanderphotography @tayloralexanderphotography33 www.tayloralexander.com
- Ask your photographer what credits, or hashtags help their business.
6. Please don't re-edit or put filters on your pictures, we work hard on your images, and that is our work/ our art. If you aren't happy with a edit or want a different look please ask your photographer to re-edit it, since it reflects on us and our brand. That is like someone at your work - re-doing something you did. Very hurtful and disrespectful to your photographer. If their is a certain look you go for find a photographer that does that style of edits or ask your photographer if they can edit that way.
7. Why we charge what we do - I know a lot of people just think we take pictures, that is not the case at all. In my business, I spend time organizing shoots, preparing equipment and sometimes sets for studio, ordering necessary things for shoot which requires research and tons of planning, time on shoot is usually only 15-20% of what a photographer does the rest is spent in processing those images (culling- going through 300-2000 images-picking out the best photos to edit), Editing 15-30mins per image - depending on how much your photographer edits and puts detail into those photos. preparing galleries proof galleries and finished galleries. This is just some of the things that go into your session.. their is also preparing contracts/releases scheduling, consults (on phone or person), email and message correspondence, gas to and from, travel time, etc...
- Photographers also have tons of cost, such as studio cost, equipment cost, props, paying for insurance and license, gas and their regular monthly bills.
8. Pay Us - Unless we are offering a TFP shoot, or a free session please don't just assume we want to work for free, we do have bills to pay and the sessions we get help do that. Sometimes we are to nice to say no, but that doesn't make it easy on us. If a session isn't in your price range
9. Please don't no show or cancel last minute -
9. Share images directly from our page, rather than saving them and posting them yourselves. Not only does that hurt the quality, which social media does well enough all on it’s own, but it takes away the direct link to our page, which can make us lose out on inquiries.
10. Love us. We're busy. A lot of us work around everybody else's schedule. We sacrifice sleep (and sometimes family time) to do our work. We don't take days off, or get paid vacation. We don't get maternity leave or lunch breaks. We thrive on coffee and hugs.
BONUS: Use our images as your profile image (it makes us do happy dances)! - please put our website and info as credit in the description
Photo Credit - Taylor Alexander Photography ~ www.tayloralexander.com